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Shareware Lenscare For Mac

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Advertisement Lenscare moves depth of field and out of focus generation to post production. License Shareware (Free to Try) Date Added Price USD $199.00 Category Filesize 1.2 MB Author Lenscare moves depth of field and out of focus generation to post production. If you need high quality camera blurs with the flexibility of 2d post processing, Lenscare is a great choice. It can get you rid of long extra 3d rendering times. The key aspect during the development of these filters was to match the real thing as good as possible. Lenscare is available as plugins for Adobe After Effects and Photoshop compatible programs.

Depth of field effects (dof) happen in all real optical devices to a certain extent. It is heavily used in photography and film as a style element. In computer graphics dof is usually generated using ray tracing techniques which increase rendering times considerably. The depth of field plugin generates those fast as a post process.

It needs a depth buffer for its calculations. 'Out of Focus' is a fast version that works without depth information. It creates a blur with constant radius over the complete image and is a good complement to 'Depth of Field'. It offers some extra functionality as well. It's possible to use a custom drawn lens in addition to the generateable ones. 'Out of Focus' also offers background distortion for semi transparent areas. Platform:Macintosh, Mac OSX System Requirements: There is no specific requirements User Reviews for Lenscare for Mac OS X Name.

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Review. User Rating. 1 2 3 4 5 1=poor 5=excellent Verification Code. Lenscare for Mac OS X Related Terms Lenscare for Mac OS X Related Software - Helicon Focus is a program that creates one perfectly focused image from several partially focused images. The program is designed for optic microscope image processing and macrophotography to cope with the shallow depth-of-field problemHelicon. Defocus Dei adds realistic depth of field effect on any images computed with 3DS Max, Lightwave, Maya, Cinema 4D or any software which exports RLA/RPF files or its Z-Buffer as an image file.